Vajraloka Retreats

Retreat Title: Simply Being

Led by Tejananda

‘Simply being’ points to a quality of awakeness and receptivity that we can recognise at any moment, both in and outside of formal meditation. It’s an openness to full presence in our being – in our body, senses and awareness. It suggests being what we really are, beyond conceptual fabrication and inseparable from nature itself, which is undivided and ungraspable.
In opening to the depths of our immediate experience (shamatha), we may sense or glimpse ‘basic space’ – the all-pervading, pristine awareness-emptiness that is inseparable from manifest, loving, compassionate energy (vipashyana). We’ll explore this by way of the five jnanas or ‘undivided-awarenesses’ which make up the dharmadhatu-mandala. This is the essence of the well-known mandala of the five Buddhas, and is a simple and very practical ‘map’ of our immediate experience.
Which all points us back to ‘just this’ – what is here already, unnoticed: simply being.

This retreat is for members of the Triratna Buddhist Order only

Start Date: 17th Apr 2015
End Date: 28th Apr 2015
Price: £440 (Full Price) / £396 (Conc Price)

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