We have just put the retreats for January to July 2023 on the site here and they are available for booking. Two short ‘training’ retreats in January and February will be added later.

You’ll notice we’ve needed – inevitably – to put our prices up. We have attempted to keep the prices as reasonable as possible and the concessionary rates are now lower in relation to the full rates than before.

We know that these are difficult times financially, but we depend more than ever on you paying the full rate if it’s affordable for you. And if you have difficulties in paying the concessionary rate, please email info@vajraloka.org as we can sometimes offer a further reduction from our bursary fund, which enables better-off retreatants to help less well-off ones come on retreat here.

Thanks and look forward to seeing you during 2023 or the remaining part of this year.

– The Vajraloka team

Vajraloka: an Update and an Invitation

This invitation is written for people who are interested in what is happening at Vajraloka, those who might be thinking of coming on retreat here and, indeed, those who might be interested in moving here and joining the team. We are currently looking for an additional four team members.

“Love is the Awareness of the Being of another Person.”

Sangharakshita’s aphorism, quoted above, is essentially what Vajraloka is about. That is, supporting a deeper understanding of what it is to be aware and how that awareness can naturally respond to unfolding experience with a spirit of love. The conditions to support this deepening include the retreats we run, the way the community live and work together and how we interact with the wider movement and world.

The last two years have been a challenge for everyone, including us at Vajraloka. This has led to a time of review both individually and collectively.

As part of this review we have been recently looking at how we can improve things here and this invitation outlines our reflections on the changes we are proposing.


The Vajraloka community has several dimensions. Firstly, there is the residential community living at Vajraloka. Secondly, there’s the community that builds up during a retreat. Finally, there’s the community of retreat leaders and retreat supporters.

The residential community

We in the residential community both keep the place running and support and lead retreats. Each member of the community has an area of work for which they are responsible. It is intended that even with these responsibilities team members have time and space to be on the retreats, pursue their dharma interests, have time away and fun together.

It’s a challenge to live in a residential community some distance from a town. At the same time it can be very rewarding. We are surrounded by beautiful countryside which is easily accessible for walking and cycling. The quietness of the place is also supportive of reflection and the deepening of one’s meditation practice. The remoteness also provides a condition for deep bonds of friendship and connection to arise between each other in the community.

We have been looking at how we can both support new team members and create a supportive training programme. We are also looking at how we work together and how we can create a greater sense of team work.

Despite nearly all of the retreats we have here now being mixed, Vajraloka has up until now been a men’s community. A number of people have pointed out the inconsistency in a male-only team running a retreat centre where the majority of retreats are open to all. We’ve been aware of this and have been discussing the pros and cons of opening the community to all. Now, the team, together with our trustees and our president, Prakasha, have agreed that the community, as well as all retreats, will be open to people irrespective of gender.

Vajraloka is a vegan community and centre. This spirit of non-harm supports both receptivity to the silence and the stillness here.

The retreat community

One of the joys of living at Vajraloka is experiencing the growth of a community on each of the retreats. Out of the beauty of the silence something wonderful flowers, a deep sense of each other and our interconnection with one another.

The silence of the place is deeply held by the landscape and is in the very fabric of the buildings, imbued by all the practice that has taken place here over the last forty years.

Silence is often supported by people returning, bringing their previous experience of silence with them. In the magic of silence, people regularly come here as strangers and leave as friends.

During the covid pandemic we have extended the sense of our retreat community online, reaching practitioners in all parts of the world. We will be continuing with online events as their value is clear and it is possible to reach people who are unable to attend Vajraloka due to distance, age or illness. It has been good to see how effective the medium can be in creating both community and a genuine retreat experience.

The retreat leaders’ community

Although many of the retreats here are led by members of the residential community quite a number are led by others, or jointly with team members. This is important as it brings varied perspectives and influences into the body of teaching at Vajraloka.

We intend to look at ways we can be more conscious and supportive of this community of retreat leaders as they represent a rich seam of experience that can help us contribute to the deepening of meditation teaching in Triratna. We also actively support a movement-wide Order meditation teachers’ circle for which we regularly host online events.

The retreats

Vajraloka meditation retreats are held largely in silence and each one explores an aspect of the Triratna system of practice. We usually have two retreats a month.

From 2023 we are planning to change the format of our programme. Building up to five months over two years, January and February 2023 each will be devoted to exploring one of the five areas of the system of practice – Integration and Positive Emotion. In this way, we will work our way through the whole system over course of 2022 and 2023. Each of these months will have a retreat exploring the theme and later in the month there will be a shorter event, exploring the theme in theory and practice with the retreat leaders, looking at why we present it in the way we do.

People will also be welcome to stay here as part of the community for the whole month and to explore the theme within their own practice.

Joining the Team

In addition to supporting retreats, all community members support the running of Vajraloka – contributing, for example, to gardening, maintenance, publicity, cooking, housekeeping, general admin and bookings.

We would like to hear from mitras and Order members, irrespective of gender, who are interested in joining our team and who are able to commit for at least a year.

If you’re interested please email the Vajraloka community with some information about yourself and how you’d like to support Vajraloka at info@vajraloka.org, and we’ll get back to you.


The Vajraloka team

Question of discriminatory policy at Vajraloka

From Tejananda

I’ve been told that during the discussion after Subhuti’s talk on Triratna day, some people commented that people were being asked not to book for retreats at Vajraloka if they could not participate in the jobs rota. 

It is true that we did put this request on our website. This was at the point around March 2021 when, for the first time in a year, we were about to open again, under very restrictive conditions. We believed at the time that with only eight people per retreat, the necessary sanitisation procedures and other jobs that we depend on retreatants doing could not be covered. 

It was soon evident that this wasn’t the case but, inexcusably, we forgot that this provision was still on our website until a retreatant wrote highlighting it. On reading about this, I immediately removed it from the website. 

I apologise for this oversight and any hurt it might have caused. We welcome people who, for whatever reason, cannot participate in the jobs rota. 

Tejananda and the Vajraloka team


All of our retreats for 2022 are now on this website and available for booking. Under current Welsh Government regulations, we could have the full number of retreat places occupied, however, we’re currently limiting it to 15, which is the number of individual room / spaces that we have. Please book as normal, paying a deposit or full amount and we will put up a ‘retreat nearly full’ or ‘retreat full’ notice when we’re reaching the number of bookings that we can currently allow. If the retreat you’d like to attend is down as full, please write to info@vajraloka.org stating that you’d like to be put on the waiting list, as there is a reasonable chance that the first few on the waiting list will be offered a place. 

Look forward to seeing you in 2022 – or indeed during the remainder of 2021.

Tejananda and the Vajraloka team

The Awakening Heart and the Divine Abodes: Booklet and led sits – Revised Upload

Below you’ll find a booklet and a series of led sits around the theme of the Brahmaviharas and the Bodhicitta Practice. Tejananda and I have edited the talks from an Awakening Heart Retreat we ran together last year and have attached the led sits from the Retreat. We hope you enjoy it and find it helpful.

For the Booklet click here: Awakening Heart March 2020

To Download the Booklet and Meditations click here:  Awakening Upload 2 (250Mb zip file)

To listen to the led sits on the website click on the start button. (They are slightly in the wrong order so I have edited the listing on the website to reflect the numbering in the booklet, apologies for the confusion!! Love Rijumitra)


1. Introduction and a led Just Sitting – Tejananda


2. Whole Body Awareness Meditation – Tejananda


3. Whole Body Awareness – Rijumitra


4. Led Metta Bhavana – Rijumitra


5. Lying Down Body Awareness – Tejananda


6.  Body, Breath and the Heart – Tejananda


7. Led Karuna Bhavana – Rijumitra


8.The Heart Space and the Heart Wish – Tejananda


9. One Stage Metta Bhavana – Tejananda


10. Led Mudita Bhavana – Rijumitra


11. Led Tonglen Practice – Tejananda


12. Led Uppekha Bhavana Practice – Rijumitra


13. Led Short Tonglen Practice – Tejananda


14. Lying down Hara Breathing Meditation – Tejananda


15. Led Tonglen – Tejananda



Annex Build Completed!

Vajraloka is up and running again after our 3 month shut down to extend our facilities. Here are some photos of the finished project.


Click on ‘Retreats’ to download the fully illustrated version of our 2020 programme. This marks our 40th anniversary, featuring archive photos from the early 80s through to recent times. The printed versions will be going out within a couple of weeks, we hope.

Annex Build update (Week 9)

Here are the latest pictures of our building project








With the main structural work completed, focus has moved inside to the shower/toilet area.











Another project on going at Vajraloka during this time is the replacement of our leaky mains water feed, about 1000m of pipe from the village, under a river, across a field, up a rocky path and eventually arriving at Vajraloka.




Click on “Retreats” to see and book all retreats for 2020 (and the rest of 2019 of course). On that page, you can also download a PDF of the full 2020 programme text – the illustrated brochure will follow towards the end of August.