
  • A – Order members only
  • B – At least 3 years of regular practice
  • C – Order members and Training for Ordination Mitras

Date Retreat Name Leader(s) GenderLevel Cost
2nd Aug - 9th Aug Meditating on the Bahiya Sutta
Retreat Now Full
Padmasagara and Rijumitra MixedB£441/364
30th Aug - 6th Sep Compassion and Emptiness
Retreat Now Full
Tejananda MixedB£441/364
13th Sep - 27th Sep The Other Side Of Insight
Retreat Now Full
Paramananda MixedB£882/728
4th Oct - 25th Oct Entering the Mandala of Awakening: The Four Great Stages of the Path **Order Retreat**
Retreat Now Full
Prakasha with Tejananda MixedA£1323/1092
8th Nov - 17th Nov The Awakening Heart and the Divine Abodes Tejananda and Rijumitra MixedB£567/468
29th Nov - 6th Dec Illuminating Sadhana **Order retreat** Rijumitra and Jinapalita MixedA£441/364
20th Dec - 27th Dec Practice Retreat 1 Vajraloka Team Members MixedB£441/364
27th Dec - 3rd Jan 2025 Practice Retreat 2 Vajraloka Team Members MixedB£441/364
10th Jan - 19th Jan 2025 Satipatthana: the Buddha’s teaching on mindfulness Tejananda and Prajnapriya MixedB£567/468
7th Feb - 16th Feb 2025 The Brahmaviharas: a complete path Rijumitra and Tejapushpa MixedB£567/468
21st Feb - 28th Feb 2025 Illuminating Sadhana **Order Retreat** Rijumitra and Jinapalita MixedA£441/364
7th Mar - 16th Mar 2025 Emotional Intelligence in Practice: Working with the Kleshas Vijayamala MixedB£567/468
21st Mar - 30th Mar 2025 Embodying Love Rijumitra and Balajit MixedB£567/468
4th Apr - 11th Apr 2025 This, just this - with sesshin Tejananda MixedB£441/364
17th Apr - 27th Apr 2025 Compassionate Freedom Advayasiddhi MixedB£630/520
2nd May - 9th May 2025 Wake Up, Just Sit Rijumitra MixedB£441/364
23rd May - 1st Jun 2025 Uncontrived Mindfulness & the Unreliable Witness Vajradevi with Tejananda MixedB£567/468
20th Jun - 29th Jun 2025 Wisdom Energy Tejananda and Padmadrishti MixedB£567/468
11th Jul - 20th Jul 2025 Emptiness and the Heart Sutra Tejananda MixedB£567/468
25th Jul - 1st Aug 2025 Meditating on the Bahiya Sutta Padmasagara and Rijumitra MixedB£441/364
8th Aug - 17th Aug 2025 The Radical Embrace Singhashri and Balajit MixedB£567/468
22nd Aug - 29th Aug 2025 Dhyana Through the Body Tejananda with Advayasiddhi MixedB£441/364
5th Sep - 12th Sep 2025 Relaxing into the Ground of Being Tejapushpa and Silabodhi MixedB£441/364
19th Sep - 3rd Oct 2025 The Other Side Of Insight Paramananda MixedB£882/728
3rd Oct - 12th Oct 2025 Illumined by the Limitless: Shinran and re-imagining ‘practice’ Maitrisiddhi MixedB£567/468
17th Oct - 24th Oct 2025 Compassion and Emptiness Tejananda MixedB£441/364
7th Nov - 16th Nov 2025 Looking at the Nature of Mind **Order Retreat** Prakasha MixedA£567/468
21st Nov - 30th Nov 2025 The Awakening Heart and the Divine Abodes Tejananda and Rijumitra MixedB£567/468
19th Dec - 26th Dec 2025 Practice Retreat 1 Vajraloka Team Members MixedB£441/364
26th Dec - 2nd Jan 2026 Practice Retreat 2 Vajraloka Team Members MixedB£441/364

Meditating on the Bahiya Sutta
2nd Aug - 9th Aug

Led by: Padmasagara and Rijumitra
Cost: £441/364
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Compassion and Emptiness
30th Aug - 6th Sep

Led by: Tejananda
Cost: £441/364
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

The Other Side Of Insight
13th Sep - 27th Sep

Led by: Paramananda
Cost: £882/728
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Entering the Mandala of Awakening: The Four Great Stages of the Path **Order Retreat**
4th Oct - 25th Oct

Led by: Prakasha with Tejananda
Cost: £1323/1092
Gender: Mixed | Level: A

The Awakening Heart and the Divine Abodes
8th Nov - 17th Nov

Led by: Tejananda and Rijumitra
Cost: £567/468
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Illuminating Sadhana **Order retreat**
29th Nov - 6th Dec

Led by: Rijumitra and Jinapalita
Cost: £441/364
Gender: Mixed | Level: A

Practice Retreat 1
20th Dec - 27th Dec

Led by: Vajraloka Team Members
Cost: £441/364
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Practice Retreat 2
27th Dec - 3rd Jan 2025

Led by: Vajraloka Team Members
Cost: £441/364
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Satipatthana: the Buddha’s teaching on mindfulness
10th Jan - 19th Jan 2025

Led by: Tejananda and Prajnapriya
Cost: £567/468
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

The Brahmaviharas: a complete path
7th Feb - 16th Feb 2025

Led by: Rijumitra and Tejapushpa
Cost: £567/468
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Illuminating Sadhana **Order Retreat**
21st Feb - 28th Feb 2025

Led by: Rijumitra and Jinapalita
Cost: £441/364
Gender: Mixed | Level: A

Emotional Intelligence in Practice: Working with the Kleshas
7th Mar - 16th Mar 2025

Led by: Vijayamala
Cost: £567/468
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Embodying Love
21st Mar - 30th Mar 2025

Led by: Rijumitra and Balajit
Cost: £567/468
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

This, just this - with sesshin
4th Apr - 11th Apr 2025

Led by: Tejananda
Cost: £441/364
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Compassionate Freedom
17th Apr - 27th Apr 2025

Led by: Advayasiddhi
Cost: £630/520
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Wake Up, Just Sit
2nd May - 9th May 2025

Led by: Rijumitra
Cost: £441/364
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Uncontrived Mindfulness & the Unreliable Witness
23rd May - 1st Jun 2025

Led by: Vajradevi with Tejananda
Cost: £567/468
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Wisdom Energy
20th Jun - 29th Jun 2025

Led by: Tejananda and Padmadrishti
Cost: £567/468
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Emptiness and the Heart Sutra
11th Jul - 20th Jul 2025

Led by: Tejananda
Cost: £567/468
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Meditating on the Bahiya Sutta
25th Jul - 1st Aug 2025

Led by: Padmasagara and Rijumitra
Cost: £441/364
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

The Radical Embrace
8th Aug - 17th Aug 2025

Led by: Singhashri and Balajit
Cost: £567/468
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Dhyana Through the Body
22nd Aug - 29th Aug 2025

Led by: Tejananda with Advayasiddhi
Cost: £441/364
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Relaxing into the Ground of Being
5th Sep - 12th Sep 2025

Led by: Tejapushpa and Silabodhi
Cost: £441/364
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

The Other Side Of Insight
19th Sep - 3rd Oct 2025

Led by: Paramananda
Cost: £882/728
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Illumined by the Limitless: Shinran and re-imagining ‘practice’
3rd Oct - 12th Oct 2025

Led by: Maitrisiddhi
Cost: £567/468
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Compassion and Emptiness
17th Oct - 24th Oct 2025

Led by: Tejananda
Cost: £441/364
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Looking at the Nature of Mind **Order Retreat**
7th Nov - 16th Nov 2025

Led by: Prakasha
Cost: £567/468
Gender: Mixed | Level: A

The Awakening Heart and the Divine Abodes
21st Nov - 30th Nov 2025

Led by: Tejananda and Rijumitra
Cost: £567/468
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Practice Retreat 1
19th Dec - 26th Dec 2025

Led by: Vajraloka Team Members
Cost: £441/364
Gender: Mixed | Level: B

Practice Retreat 2
26th Dec - 2nd Jan 2026

Led by: Vajraloka Team Members
Cost: £441/364
Gender: Mixed | Level: B