Retreat Title: Entering the Mandala of Awakening: The Four Great Stages of the Path **Order Retreat**
Led by Prakasha and Tejananda
This retreat will introduce the four principal stages of the spiritual path. Firstly, the contemplation of the three lakshanas. Secondly, entry into the three liberations. Thirdly, the exploration of the perceptual situation. Fourthly, entry into the Mandala of Awakening. Through this approach we gain a deeper understanding of the four levels of Sunyata that Sangharakshita introduces.
Prakasha will give a series of presentations that clarify the stages of the Path leading to Awakening. Tejananda will introduce a parallel series of integrated, somatic and meditative inquiry-based approaches to calm and insight based on the principles of the Triratna system of practice.
The retreat will mostly be in silence with meditation reviews, pujas and ritual.
This retreat is for members of the Triratna Buddhist Order only
Start Date: 4th Oct 2024
End Date: 25th Oct 2024
Deposit: £150
Price: £1323 (Full Price) / £1092 (Conc Price)
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