Vajraloka Retreats

Retreat Title: Dhyana through the Body ***Online Retreat***

Led by Tejananda with Advayasiddhi

Accessing dhyana (jhana), or absorption, seems to be very natural for some people, and a complete mystery to others. Dhyana is well worth cultivating as a way of deepening shamatha (mental tranquillity) as well as for the sheer psycho-somatic pleasure that some of these states afford. On this retreat, we’ll be suggesting approaches that people have found to be helpful and effective for entering into dhyana. This may well involve questioning both our own views and approaches, and some of what the tradition has to say about dhyana. We’ll proceed on the basis of asking ‘What, in our experience, is and is not actually helpful?’

We have found that by becoming alive to the immediacy of our sensate experience, particularly body experience, resources for entering absorption can be discovered as already present – just waiting to be noticed. We’ll explore this in direct experience by delving into the relation between body and breath and between body, awareness and insight.

This retreat will start at 09.30 (UK) on Saturday 9th March and will conclude with the 20.15 (UK) session Friday 15th March.

We will also offer the chance to meet daily in smaller groups. It’s a chance to talk more about the input and to enhance the sense of being with sangha. If you want to join a group, simply turn up at 15:15 on Saturday (subsequent days at 15:20 for 15:25 start). You are also welcome to organise your own group. 

The online retreat sessions will be as follows (UK times):
09.30 - 11.30 - Input on the practices and meditation 
15.20 - 15:55 - Groups (optional)
16.00 - 17.00 - Ritual / meditation
19.00 - 20.15 - Input on the practices and meditation

This retreat is suitable for people who have been meditating for at least 3 years

Start Date: 9th Mar 2024
End Date: 15th Mar 2024

Please note: This retreat is on a dana basis. Even if no payment is needed to book, please consider to donate to help us continuing running events like this one.

Sorry, this retreat is now full. If you would like your name to be put on a waiting list please contact us.