Retreat Title: Meditation on Prajnaparamita, Mother of the Buddhas
Led by Prajnapriya
According to tradition, all the distinct Perfection of Wisdom sutras are revelations of wisdom and compassion of the same timeless Prajnaparamita Sutra. Just as these teachings do not spring from the conceptual mind, but come from sources much deeper, so on this retreat we will not be attempting to understand these teachings with the intellect. We will ‘aimlessly aim’ at recognising and experiencing their essence in those very sources within ourselves, while keeping in mind the impossibility of an imaginary separate self, receiving these insubstantial ungraspable teachings.
Basing ourselves in the approaches we’ve developed at Vajraloka over many years, to help people go deeper in meditation, we will be drawing inspiration from the Great Mother Prajnaparamita. Just like the Buddhas are born from that Great Mother who is none other than the unborn, undying loving awareness of Prajnaparamita, so too we can awaken and be liberated through her unfailing grace, the very essence of our simple beingness.
This retreat is suitable for people who have been meditating for at least 3 years
Start Date: 14th Jan 2022
End Date: 21st Jan 2022
Deposit: £70
Price: £350 (Full Price) / £315 (Conc Price)
Sorry, due to unforeseen circumstances this retreat has been cancelled. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.