Retreat Title: This, just this - with sesshin
Led by Tejananda
In Zen, a sesshin is a period of especially intense all-the-time formal practice. For three days on this retreat, we will adopt - and adapt - this approach. Each day, there will be several two-hour periods of sitting and walking, and we’ll be opening to the presence of awareness in all of our activities throughout the day.
This will be preceded by two days for us to arrive in our bodies, our senses and the beauty of Vajraloka’s environment. The main practice will emphasise undivided mental calm (shamatha) and clear-seeing (vipashyana) - or ‘silent illumination’.
During the ‘sesshin’, there will be some input suggesting how to orient your practice but there will be no leading-through during the practice sessions. Each day will end with a ritual including chanting and further sitting. In the context of silent practice, short one-to-one reviews will be available each day.
The final day will offer the opportunity to relax, enjoy the fruits of our practice and, coming out of silence, sharing with others.
This retreat is suitable for people who have been meditating for at least 3 years
Start Date: 4th Apr 2025
End Date: 11th Apr 2025
Deposit: £100
Price: £441 (Full Price) / £364 (Conc Price)