Retreat Calendar

Retreat Rates
  • £567.00 – Full Rate
  • £468.00 – Concessionary Rate
  • £0.00 – Retreat Team members only

Date & Time Details: The retreat starts on the first day at 6.45pm with the evening meal and finishes at about 9.45am on the last day.

Suitable for: Experienced Meditators

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Uncontrived Mindfulness & the Unreliable Witness

With Vajradevi and Tejananda

May 23 - June 1, 2025

Program is fully booked

Central to our dharma life is a simple yet profound distinction; between our direct experience mediated through the senses, and the thoughts and ideas we have about those experiences. We are usually unaware that the concepts we base our sense of self on and navigate our world by, are frequently flawed in a deep and on-going way. We look through the distorted lens of our own views and assumptions, making us an unreliable witness to our own inner experience.

On the retreat we’ll cultivate Awareness and Right View, to become mindful of, and curious about, what is actually happening in our minds. Using the framework of the 5 skandhas to go to the heart of what we take to be ‘true’ we can come to see the process of construction and fabrication that is happening moment by moment. Relying on the dharma and our own direct experience wisdom perfumes deep knowing and the unreliable witness is seen for what it is. Each moment brings the possibility of release from clinging and therefore from suffering.

The retreat will mainly be in silence with input and meditation reviews.


Vajradevi started meditating in 1985 and has been ordained for 30 years. She has been practising and teaching mindfulness with a strong insight dimension for over 25 years. To further her practice, she has studied with specialists on Satipatthana on long retreats in Burma and the US. She is the author of ‘Uncontrived Mindfulness: ending suffering though attention, curiosity and wisdom’ published in 2021 by Windhorse Publications. Between 2000-2007 she spearheaded Akashavana, our womens ordination retreat centre in Spain. You can find more information about her approach and read her meditation blog at
Learn more about Vajradevi
Tejananda has been practising meditation and Buddhism for nearly 50 years and has been a member of the Triratna Order since 1980. He has worked in a vegetarian café in Croydon, helped establish the Bristol Buddhist Centre, worked for the Karuna Trust, written a book introducing the fundamentals of Buddhism (‘The Buddhist Path to Awakening’) and taught meditation and Dharma in many parts of the UK, Europe, the USA and Australasia. A member of the Vajraloka resident team from 1995 to 2023, he remains actively involved in teaching and leading retreats at Vajraloka, as well as at other Triratna centres…
Learn more about Tejananda