Retreat Calendar

Retreat Rates
  • £441.00 – Full Rate
  • £364.00 – Concessionary Rate
  • £0.00 – Retreat Team members only

Date & Time Details: The retreat starts on the first day at 6.45pm with the evening meal and finishes at about 9.45am on the last day.

Suitable for: Triratna Order Members Only

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Illuminating Sadhana **Order Retreat**

With Rijumitra and Jinapalita

February 21 - 28, 2025

Sadhana is the main expression of the principle of spiritual rebirth in the Order. During this retreat we will contemplate the evolution of sadhana as an Order practice and explore the stages through which sadhana plays out. As well as being redolent with rich images from the sambhogakaya, sadhana also requires presence, inviting the accomplishment of both tranquillity and insight, shamatha and vipashyana.

We will explore how these qualities relate to the dynamic or unfolding of sadhana, suggesting practical ways of evoking the samayasattva, the imaginal sense of the Buddha or Bodhisattva which we conjure up. And we’ll explore the relationship between this and the jnanasattva – the direct, undivided knowing that emerges as the ‘illuminated image’.

The retreat will provide an excellent context to engage, or re–engage, with sadhana including plenty of support and inspiration, pujas devoted to various Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, silence and one–to–one practice reviews.


I have been living and practicing within Triratna for most of my adult life, and for the latter years very much associated with Vajraloka. I really value living in a friendly community that has  the exploration of meditation, both personal and collective at the centre of its vision. (And it’s delightful living in beautiful north Wales as well!)
Learn more about Jinapalita