Vajraloka Retreats

Retreat Title: Mindfulness and Samadhi through the Body

Led by Led by Tejananda, Saraha & Vajraloka team members

Mindfulness of breathing is above all a body meditation. What is the breath
experientially? Is it anything more than tactile sensations of the body? As we explore such questions directly, we may well discover that not only the breath, but the body itself is more subtle, open and malleable, than we thought. By becoming clearer in experience about the actual nature of body experience, we can open up tremendous resources both for samadhi (integration, dhyana) and prajna (insight, true-knowing).
All of this brings clarity to the nature of awareness itself. Awareness is pivotal to
dharma practice, all the way from our first attempts at mindfulness, to opening
beyond the dichotomy of ‘subject’ and ‘object’. In this retreat we’ll be exploring
body, breath and awareness, questioning the ways in which dhyana is often taught - if it’s taught at all - and suggesting what we hope are more helpful and effective approaches. This will set the scene for experiential insight-explorations into the body and its nature when experienced directly as empty of our views and beliefs about it.

This retreat is suitable for people who have been meditating for at least 3 years

Start Date: 26th Feb 2016
End Date: 4th Mar 2016
Deposit: £70
Price: £280 (Full Price) / £252 (Conc Price)